Sunday, August 9, 2009

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!

I had a great day today! I got to spend some time with my babies (my sister's kids), then Jay and I cooked a great dinner together. Possibly the best part of the day (besides my weekly dose of True Blood on HBO) was the first pre-season football game tonight.

I LOVE football!! Not only is it an exciting game to watch, but along with football comes Fall. Although it is my favorite season, Fall always makes me a little homesick. Back home in Michigan, fall is when the leaves begin to change, the air turns cooler, and everyone and everything starts to settle in for the winter.

I remember going to the apple orchard, drinking fresh-pressed cider and eating warm cake donuts. Fall also makes me think of caramel apples, candy corn, and bonfires. School buses, pencils, and sweaters. New friends, new adventures, new beginnings.

Even though I have been in Texas for twelve years, I will always consider Michigan home. What fond memories do you have of Fall? Of home?


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